From Epic Theatre
"Movie to Stage" project


Theatre w/Anatoly *
* 2007 -- Utopia Project pomo.vtheatre.net

2005 updates: Small Chekhov Fall * "Four Farces & One Funeral" -- Chekhov.05
Chekhov's one-acts are updated -- The Bear, The Proposal (1st act -- Oh, Love!), Wedding, Tobacco (Act II -- Ah, Marriage!), but I'm still working on the "funeral" (Last Day of Anton Chekhov). mini-chekhov
I am teaching DramLit -- groups.yahoo.com/group/dramlit (subscribe) and see THR215 for subjects, topics, titles.
Spring 2006 -- Waiting for Godot, Beckett -- new pages ( see shows )

Anatoly Antohin, playwright and stage director, staged many shows at UAF. He received his MFA from Moscow Institute of Cinematography. Anatoly has won several awards in drama and his plays have been produced in many European countries. In the USA, he has taught and directed at the University of Connecticut, New York University, and Hollins College in Virginia.
He has a few websites for you to check out, which include:
For Film: film-north * For Theatre Theatre Theory * For Family Sellassie WWW *



Featured Pages : Theatre Theory

There are several sub-directories listed next to the top left frame. Also, use the LINKS for more.

For navigation use Search-the-Site, New, Guide-Map, FAQ, Help, Tour pages!

If you use my pages often (you have to, if you are in my class), please bookmark the point-pages, subscribe to the relavent forum

You can become a virtual student, see my current schedual and the class-pages. For example, right now -- THR321 Advanced Acting and THR413 Playscript Analysis
Anatoly, Sept'00


new domains (list): act.vtheatre.net & etc.


vtheatre.net? "Virtual Theatre"?

I use "virtual" not only in technological sense -- more as a philosophy.

The world enter the 3rd millenium and theatre has to go through another transformation. Even the "postmodern" views could not work anymore. I prefer what Michail Epstein calls "transcultural" -- I myself is a product of this process. I do not belong to any particular culture, but is there some "Anatolian culture"?

In the past we called it "individual" or "personality" -- in the era of Theatre of One it became a fundamental principle. The extreme existentialism?

I stare at the name of the new domain anatoly.vtheatre.net and I have another thought about our celebrity culture. "Famous for 15 minutes" -- what a new image for our mortality!

"Into to MY Theatre"?

The drama, comedy and tragedy of one's presence...

Look up on a good clear night. The dark sky is full of stars, but this is an illusion that they are close to each other. The reality is rather opposite... This is a symbol of our new human universe. Should I still call it "human"?


I do not know how you can use my pages. I do not know even if you can use them at all. Do I use them?


Theatre w/Anatoly Intro

2005: I have to talk about the future...
After two years of being "under construction" the website looks like "that old house" which needs that constant repare.

If you can't find whatever you are looking for, check the Guide or FAQ pages.

Most of my pages are built for classes I teach and shows I direct. Basically, this is a tool to save time in classroom and during the rehearsals, when I can send students to the pages, istead of talking about it. The homework.

There are some research pages, so you can see where I come from.

I try to put some graphics (mostly for easy navigation), but this is an additional web-work and secondary (I do it only when I have time).

In many way it is a data-storage and you have to find the information like in Wall-Mart -- by yourself.

Comments, suggestions, recommendations are always welcome!

Folks, this is my first directory; since 1998 many pages became directories and right now the files in "Theatre w/Anatoly" should be treated as gateway pages.

TheGlobe went out off business in Aug. 2001 and "Theatre with Anatoly" files are relocated to GeoAlaska and Film-North. To clean up the dead links to theGlobe will take some time. If you see it, please, report. Thanks.

Get on my mailing list, if you want to stay updated!

Or subscribe to more specific forum, according to your interests.

A few words about navigation and the road signs. (I keep working on it!)

The banners and logos you see on my pages:


[ main banner for filmplus.org (Film-North) ]

[ for Mining Film (links & books) ]

[ glossaries and dictionaries ]

[ film list-forum ]

[ Film Analysis pages (class) ]

Flash banner "film.vtheatre.net" takes you to Film Analysis pages.

Popup alert here and there is for my film email antoh@lycos.com

New big and tall popup windows slideshow select pages (like the one that came out with this page).

Well, this is in theory, of course. Other signs and symbols are self-explanatory: film books and etc.

[ POV, nonfiction pages ]

and the Film600 directory -- flash banners "Wrong Theories + Bad Subjects" [ film as philosophy ]

Film Directing: filmstudy.net/film
logo +
flash banner "Directing 101"

200X class Aesthetics ("Arts Through Film"):
logo (small and big)...

Confusing? I pay for Yahoo and Tripod -- and they gave new, shorter domain names:

GeoAlaska = vtheatre.net

Film-North = filmplus.org

Oh, yeah! Virtual Theatre! Several symbols, depending of what aspect of VT is in focus -- stage, film, web and etc.

[ what does it? I don't know. Dancing! ]

THEATRE w/Anatoly:

Acting One: act.vtheatre.net


Method Acting: method.vtheatre.net

Script Analysis: script.vtheatre.net

Theatre Theory:

Books directories. Film : filmstudy.net/books... Easy to remember?
Theatre: vtheatre.net/books -- you see the logo in the right table (not everywhere).

Writing: write.vtheatre.net (Russian)

Plays: plays.vtheatre.net -- did you see this flash banner? Well, this directory for my new plays-in-progress. In Russian. You are in English directory: filmstudy.net/plays (click -- and you will get to the title page).

Web: web.vtheatre.net and the flash banner with the same URL. Wait! SHOWS: shows.vtheatre.net -- no logo? I can't believe it!

If you see my photo Anatoly -- it must something about me: resume, bio, cv...


A new page I made after the death of theGlobe, when I was forced to move all theatre pages here to GeoAlaska!

An introduction to what you can find here on theatre and film.

Questions? Go to FAQ page!

Also, leave your comments in my guestbooks! Notes page.

Let me repeat myself (from Film600 and script.vtheatre.net):

Where teaching and studying (research) meet --

Theme-thought, according to different playwrights (Shakespeare, Ibsen, Strindberg, Chekhov and so on) and directors (Fillini, Kurosawa, Tarkovsky, Bergman pages).

Connections with other themes (list): family, gender and sex...

Finally, my own practical investigations: shows.vtheatre.net (only recently I began to make themes pages, Don Juan 2003, for example).

And the nonfiction (writing), of course: HIM, Father-Russia, PostAmeriKa, Self, POV, Tech (gatepages are in WRITE directory).

Yeah, yeah, there is more -- "philo" pages, metaphysics: in theatre theory directory, for instance (topics-bar: space, time and etc.)
Plus, Virtual Theatre and Book of Spectator!

Web? Oh, this is just medium. Like stage, screen, writing...

@2000-2003 --
ShowCases: shows.vtheatre.net